My last company, and almost every company I’ve worked for apart from maybe SONY, had alot of problems with information sharing. They all had WIKI’s and a high labour turnover based on the nature of our industry.
I am pretty passionate about this having seen how much work a good, used wiki saves.
Even though we are a young organisation we should decide if we are going to be a wiki centered space.
If we are then I wonder if we could maintain a lean wiki with current information?
I often wondered at work, if I could answer the following questions then we would could probably be sure
we had a decent wiki
How many wikipages do we have now?
How many are out of date?
How many are redundant?
How many have been retired?
How many new members have been told about the wiki, how many have used it?
Is there an approved template/style for writing our wikis?
The stuff I talk about is a bit of a wishlist, but here are my two cents for problems I’ve encountered before and possible solutions
The problems I saw were probably obvious.
1 Either no template to write wiki pages, or template was bad or ignored by wiki writers
2 Out of date information
3 Lack of awareness of wiki
4 amazingly enough many wikis had awful search facilities
1 I don’t know how to write design good wikis but it’s easy enough to recognise one, when we go to a help page from
some of the big tech companies its often easy to identify where the relevant information is a page cos all the pages are consistent
2 Out of date information is a huge problem I’ve encountered. One solution is to have each individual wikipages owned by someone in the space. They are responsible for its update, there name appears on the page. If theres a problem with the page then they are responsible for fixing it. Every few months we swap pages. This means every few months I got to read a few new wikipages, It trains me up in something I might not yet know and also means page will be uptodate.
Also if people use a wikipage on their own or in an induction it would be great of they could validate it, give it a displayed timestamped approval, this could help the regular checking process.
This process could be used to retire pages as well, something which often never happens in wikis and is in my opinion very important
3 wikis could be used as training steps/tools for inductions. This would homogenize training regardless of who does the induction, and it would mean people would be aware of the importance of the our wiki.
I havent dont any inductions yet, so this might be being done.
4 i dont know how some of the wikis ive used didnt have good/basic search facility but they didn’t