Where and how to start making things?

Hey guys, I initially wanted to make a small wooden box, but I feel that was too ambitious for me even though I’ve tried the basic woodworking induction, I am not sure where to start, but I want to start somewhere, I don’t have experience in making anything except knitting a scarf!

So many members here are very experienced and I hope one day I can make things like you guys, but would be great if you could share some experience or tips on how to start my first step!

Kind regards

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I asked one of the woodworking techs what he did to get better (Steve) and he started off trying to inlay a scrap bit of wood into another bit of wood. So cutting a hole to fit it, so it holds in with friction. He said that was a great practice for things.

I’m probably explaining badly, but I think I might have a go at that as well. Very low risk.

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Thanks Sam, that I can try! I just found something small and simple that might be good for me to aim for, and the basic woodworking induction has covered the steps so I can definitely trying out

This looks great fun! Please let me know how you get on

A few people helped me laser cut a wooden box from plywood.


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I am planning to make some boxes with the lasercutter for my boardgame. I’m still in the design phase. We could collaborate on our respective projects at the makerspace if that would be helpful.

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I can also offer to help with Karin :slight_smile:

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@lewisss has conducted a few box-making courses in the woodshop which sounds perfect for you. The last one he did was maybe in November. I’m not sure if or when he’ll run one again but tagging him so we can find out!

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my recommendation would be to start with a good foundation with the basics. Proper use of the following:

  • square
  • marking knife
  • straightedge
  • chisel
  • plane
  • hand saw
  • sharpening

Start by practicing basic tasks on scrap rather than necessarily doing a project.

  • saw a straight line
  • chisel a rebate
  • plane a board square

I think personally, squaring up a board with a plane did the most to help build my foundational skills. In the process of doing so, you learn about the proper use of the marking and measuring tools, control over your work, sharpening, wood grain, and how to think about the process for a project. Are you planning on coming in tomorrow? If you’d like I can help offer some instruction and get you started.


That would be lovely! Happy to help and learn how to make them

That’s a great idea!!

That’s great tips, thanks for sharing! I can go on Sunday morning /early afternoon if you wanna go in?

The induction @lewisss does is on cabinet making, so furniture and things like kitchen units, rather than trinkets boxes and small things :slight_smile:

It was supper informative though and 8m planning to build a shell for my spare oven :slight_smile:

I should be in in the morning, say 10?