We've been offered a free HPC LS3040 laser cutter - thoughts?

Somebody(s) need to take ownership of this project.

What about the CNC?

Goes in (or in the place of) the tower o’ offcuts, assuming it’s something the size of a Carbide3D Nomad
Plenty of space under the worktop for laser material storage.

This has turned into a quite resounding ‘let’s take it, improve it, pass it on if we don’t need it’

However: we need someone to take the lead on this so that the dependencies that @tomnewsom listed above get actioned – and confirmed possible in case of extraction?

Who among us will champion this cause? Please reply below.

Just bumping this, can someone take ownership of this,
Or I will … not that I have enough commitments already!


People like you that make the space keep turning over.

like i’ve said all along - It think this is a great offer & project and am happy to collect it from its present home + help with the upgrades.


Excellent, I just wanted to make sure we still had the interest there!

I think maybe we should consider appointing someone as ‘lead’ when a project like this comes in. Sometimes it might be appropriate to choose from the techs, sometimes not, but at least there’s a central point for the potential donor to contact and someone who should make sure the project gets pushed along.

That’s exactly what I asked for. I think @Courty’s the lead on this. I’ll contact Adam, and see what the situation is — then put them in contact with each other if it’s still a goer.


Good. I’m suggesting we make it policy.

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I’ve been in contact with Adam and the cutter should be available in the next few weeks — he’ll let us know.

He’s also got Ikea Expedit 4x4 shelving unit if anyone has a need for it.

I’d love the shelving unit if the space doesn’t need it…


We’ve already destroyed one of those because we didn’t need it and it was knackered, we really don’t need it.

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Hard to imagine where it would fit, so if no one comes up with a good proposal for it for the Space, it’s yours.

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We now have a date for collection: Thursday 19th October (or in the days immediately following, but not much longer)

Who is taking lead on this?

I believe I am ! :wink:


scrolls up

So you are :slight_smile:

Happy to be put in email contact with the guy?

Yes please


Is this still the case? @Courty has offered to pick it up, let him know.