Welcome new @woodtechs!

We are happy to add @Esther_Gladstone, @CriticalTolerance (Ed Bilson) and @AndyPaine to @woodtechs

Esther will be running Lathe inductions, while Ed and Andy will be running Foundation workshop sessions. Please be patient while these members settle into their roles and do not badger them for induction sessions. They will be held as soon as the techs are ready to do so :slight_smile:

Note: @Jesse_Mackin removed from woodtechs as he’s no longer a member.


Are they fully fledged techs, as in able to activate the power for the big-boy tools?

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So, all these tools will be shortly under tool control - so this will cease to be a problem.

All @woodtechs are fully fledged wood techs and have whatever voting rights amongst themselves that that entails. Keys are distributed amongst them as they see fit.


Andy and ed will have keys

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Any @woodtechs about this Wednesday evening to help us trim the kitchen doors down please?

If not, we’re gonna try belt sanding or electric planing them and I’m not too confident of the finish we’ll get! Failing that it’ll have to wait til we’re back from summer hols at the end of August. Would rather get them sorted Wednesday though.

I am as yet keyless, although I will be down on Wednesday night at some point before nine.

Admittedly, that’s about as helpful as a chocolate teapot, but still…

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Congratulations to the new @woodtechs! We welcome and appreciate your skills and willingness to share them.


Can arrange to leave you one to copy .

Pm me your number