Volunteer for running a workshop for scouts

Hi Makers!

I have been approached by a scout leader to find a volunteer for running a workshop at the MS.
This could be anything from a simple woodwork project to building an electric device, although a special interest in textiles has been mentioned.

I’ve run scout sessions at our space myself with great success.
Children are very eager to see our friendly space and get inspired by the atmosphere.
Being actually guided through a project and coming home with something they made is a proud moment (as we all know).
I find the work worth children very rewarding, but I’m busy with my own scout group.)

In this case, it is a group of about 20 children, 11-14 year old and they meet each Friday evening.
There is a lot of flexibility here, e.g. you could split the group and meet on a weekend.
We’re talking a one off project, that could involve a single or few sessions, depending on the size of the project.

If you think this is something where you would like to get involved, please drop me a line.


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Hi Clem,

This does not answer your question per say but might be an opportunity for that scouts group?


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