Visit your Makerspace today?

Hi! I’m from Makerspace Linköping / Makers of Norrköping, Sweden and wounder if it’s possible to visit your space today, just to look around and take some pictures and get some inspiration?

Best Regards / Jimmy Alenius

Makers of Norrköping:
Makerspace Linköping:

@stefanoromano are you in tonight.?

i could pop over and show you round.
but it wouldnt be until tonight.
8:30pm or 9pm.

is that any good @Jimmyalenius?

Guys I have to sort out something with my landlord… Could Take same time! I can not promise my presence tonight! Sorry! @joeatkin2

Are you in tonight?

Don’t think so sorry work tomorrow at 5 am

I was in the space at about 15:00 and someone called Gitau phoned asking for you.
Asked that you contact him on 07466869086.

Hi @Jimmyalenius
Let me know if you want to come at 9pm tonight.
If you not coming I won’t be down tonight.

I will be down tomorrow at 5pm btw.

Best wishes

No ideas don’t even know the number and have never give it to anyone

The number was his, not yours!