Usb stick today (23/07)

I’m planning to come in right after work to do some embroidery but I just realised I left the usb stick with the files on it at home :sob::point_up:

does anyone have a spare I could use tonight? i know there are some in the space sometimes but the last time I really struggled to find one. Just want to avoid an extra trip home if i can

Hey Gyosie!

I am in the space now and will be till later this evening. I have a USB Stick on me that I can lend you!

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There should be one for the embroidery machine specifically in the wood box on the shelf

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i think that one was gone last time :cold_sweat:
but good to know i’ll be able to sort it out @cdldn i should be around from like 6 30 or so

Hey Josie, Are you at the space? I need to head off now sorry!