Up-loadable files on discourse


Hey systems,

I’m not sure If this is possible as its probably baked into the core discourse system, but is it possible to add .3mf, .stl and .obj files to the up loadable files to the system? It would be good to be able to share 3D models for 3D printing amongst all other 3d stuff we have about the space.

If this isn’t possible, is there a way we can remote access the local fiel server at the space. sorry if this is all already documented somewhere, just point me in the right direction!



They can be pretty big. We may be able to toggle it on, add the examples, and turn it back off?

We can definitely turn it on easily, @kyle are we concerned about space?

Yeah, the vm isn’t huge but we can swap in s3 compatible storage (e.g. spaces) for uploads if required.

I think enabling it for a bit so the techs can upload what they need is probably the most straightforward but we can discuss.

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(Assuming that we can swap in storage before upgrading discourse)

I don’t want it to be to much work for systems, turning it on and of as and when we need it. Could this be limited to Techs? This means we could share test files between ourselves and to everyone else without it becoming a dumping ground for everyone. I’ve got a 117 KB .f3d file and 178KB .STL file both for the maker coin I thought would be good to host on discourse.

You should be all set to upload those now - unfortunately there’s only a global list of allowed extensions

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