Unable to create a new topic in the space booking tab

For some reason i’m unable to create a booking/make a new topic in the space booking section of the site. Any idea why this would be greyed out for me?

Im not 100% sure, but I always thought that only people with shutter access could create a space booking. Otherwise it just leads to confusion as the space may not be open (Although it often is).

I assume you want to make a booking so that you can book a tool? If so, share when you want to make a book a tool maybe someone with shutter will be planning to be there and can create a booking.

A bit unrelated, but I would also encourage you to think about getting shutter access :slight_smile: Its open to everyone you just need to contribute a little bit to the space (it doesn’t have to be anything major) and get two people to vouch for you. I would recommend talking to a Tech in an area you enjoy and seeing if there is anything you can do to help out.


Correct only people with shutter access can create space bookings.