UI + Networked Devices Paid Work - SafetyNet

First up, apologies if this is in the wrong place, or if paid work is not something that should be listed here.

The project is called SafetyNet (www.sntech.co.uk - outdated but a starting point), and focuses on designing, producing and testing devices that cut down on the environmental impact of commercial fishing. We’ve been building a range of electro-mechanical prototypes, but are now looking for help with the creation of a GUI (for simple sequence programming of the devices to do different things by scientists) and then having that GUI linked to the devices (between 1-20 devices per system) so that the sequences can be downloaded onto them and run (with the devices synchronised to allow patterns, etc). The devices mostly make use of different visual stimuli.

If you’re interested, and think you have some or all of the skills required to help us with this, please get in touch and we can discuss how we might work together.

All the best,


I think it’s fine to list paid work :smile:

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