UCL / RCA Garment Repair UX Hackathon


I am helping to organise a 2-day workshop at UCL and was wondering if anyone in your SLMS would be interested in taking part.

The workshop is part of a research project called “Consumer Experience Digital Tools”, CXDT for short, which aims to investigate how digital tools can empower consumers to transform into repairers, contributing to the Circular Economy. It’s a joint project between the RCA and UCL.

The team has already created some interesting tools for helping people repair textiles, and are keen to get new perspectives on what they’ve done, as well as ideas on how to extend the work. To do that, we’re organising a 2-day UX workshop at UCL, where we invite guests to help us improve the tools, challenge our assumptions, and contribute to circular economy strategy by making a prototype (either in groups or individually). Here are practical details:

8 & 9th of May 2024 from 9:30-4pm (lunch included)
UCL, 169 Euston Rd., London NW1 2AE

We would absolutely LOVE it if you could make it. I hope that you will get a chance to think of new ideas, but also meet some new interesting faces. We don’t have a huge amount of budget for the event, but we’d still like to give participants something in return, so we’re offering a voucher of £150 to every participant.

You can sign up here

Also feel free to reply on this thread with any questions!

All the best,


Hey Mike,

This sounds interesting! I’ve registered my interest.

Look forward to hearing from you.


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UCL alum fashion designer here :sun_with_face:
Would love to join but it’s during work hours…