Tools donation - do we want any of these?

We’ve had the following email:

My sister Cas contacted you about a donation of tools from my late fathes workshop. It’s in Bath so not very practical to visit, I have taken some photos and made a short list (attached). There wll be other tols this is just the first look on our part. We can bring these back to London and drop them off if you you are interested.

Belt sander

Bench grinder

Bench vice

Small bandsaw

Small rotary tools

Coping saw

Pillar drill

Tabletop workmate

This stuff is all in Bath, so viewing is tricky. However, the donor is willing to bring things to London for us.

As noted, there may be more!

I think it should be highly considered to take those. I don’t remember seeing a bench grinder in the space. The small bench vice seems in mint condition and really sturdy really worth having a good bench vice. The others duplicate somehow things we already have but some seems of much better quality.


those tools look good, if we dont want any of them(or our current duplicates) I will bring them to my old coop who have a badly stocked workshop

This sounds like a good solution, the tools will go to a good home.

Does look like a few duplicates. But bear in mind most of the non-Hitachi tools we have are loans, and also ‘diy/hobby’ qualiy. So will need replacing/upgrading in time.

Kinzo, Ferm and Parkside not exactly professional quality…

Yes, these are mostly duplicates, not upgrades.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Hitachi unboxing video

Maybe take what we have on loan and share out the rest?

That’s fairly unanimous. I’ll say we’d like the lot, with anything we don’t use going to Conor’s old co-op.


Well I’ll totally have the use for the bandsaw if I the space don’t want it. Will still go to good home :slight_smile:

the ‘more where that comes from’ is also intriguing!

I drive past barth with the van quite often if you need me to pick them up

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Did we bite these peoples hand off? already?

I’ve replied via email, but they were quite slow to respond last time. I’ll give another gentle nudge. It is their dead dad’s stuff, so don’t want to go steaming in!

oh, naturally. It’s a very kind thing of them as well. :slight_smile:

I think we should say yes.

I already have.