Thursday 18th


Will anyone be in the space Thursday the 18th after 7pm? I would love to be able to use the laser cutter. It looks like the space is not open at all on that day on the calendar.


There’s now a calendar entry for tomorrow (as it’s also Electronics night) - so you can book yourself in. :slight_smile:


I’ve never actually done it before and thought it would be straight forward to book in, but I can’t seem to figure it out! How do you book yourself in?!

You should be able to edit the post and then you can add your name to the tool you want to book :slight_smile:

Is this where you click into the electronics night and it gives you the list of all the things in the different rooms? Because I have done that. I thought it was meant to show up on the calendar but perhaps I got that wrong!

I just had a look, you’ve done it correctly :slight_smile: It wont show individual tool bookings on the calendar, only host bookings for the space which are meant to show when its open.

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Thanks Tom! I’ve took myself off now as another member is offered to help me on Monday next week instead. Thanks again for the help and confirmation!