I wanted to add to this thread as my efforts in thermocouple temperature measurement have advanced, in case useful for anyone else.
TL;DR I don’t think we can get the temperature function on the Keysight multimeter to work without a fancy Keysight adaptor.
The rest below is if you want to use thermocouples in SLMS and get a sense for where to begin, alongside a guide like this one: https://uk.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery/ideas-and-advice/thermocouples-guide
(1) What kit we have in the space:
(a) a somewhat aged but perfectly functional RS Digital (thermocouple) Thermometer. No manual for it online. It takes at the top the 2 pins of a Miniature Thermocouple Connector Plug as shown below.
An example of this connector type is here: https://www.labfacility.com/miniature-thermocouple-plug-type-k-iec.html
It explicitly says on the front of the device that it wants Type K thermocouples only. For some reason it stays on if the battery is plugged in, (even if the front switch is in the ‘Off’ state) so removing the 9V battery after use is necessary.
(b) a somewhat distressed but working thermocouple. Type K!
(For a guide on this categorisation of thermocouple types, do check this out, same guide as I linked at the top: https://uk.rs-online.com/web/content/discovery/ideas-and-advice/thermocouples-guide)
It works. It has that compatible plug connector that fits the RS reader.
(c ) The Keysight U1232A Multimeter. If you look closely, you can see a little orange thermometer symbol at about 4’o clock on the dial. This device should be able to give you a temperature reading from a thermocouple as well if you turn it to that setting and hit the orange ‘Esc Shift’ button
Here is the manual for it: https://www.keysight.com/gb/en/assets/9018-03489/user-manuals/9018-03489.pdf?success=true
UNFORTUNATELY it is not as simple as is implied by the picture below, where you just need any old adaptor that goes between the thermocouple plug and the banana sockets on the multimeter
Even though everything plugs together and is at least intuitively supposed to work, Keysight do not expect it to be so simple and the manual also tells you to get a more expensive adaptor:
Image above from:
If you plug together the black adaptor and the thermocouple as shown in my photo above, the multimeter just reads ‘zero’.
(2) Thermocouple connectors
Given that the space only has the 1 thermocouple, it is worth knowing how to ‘make your own’
Picture below is how I combined the thermocouples I purchased with the right connector:
Thermocouples (without the plugs, as on the left): https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/thermocouples/6212158?gb=a
I wanted them with bare wire on the ends so I could use them in this product which allows you to measure temp via a Raspberry Pi: https://thepihut.com/products/eight-thermocouples-daq-8-layer-stackable-hat-for-raspberry-pi
Plugs: https://cpc.farnell.com/labfacility/im-k-m-iec/type-k-connector-plug/dp/SN35314
Of course, you could also order something like this where the thermocouples come WITH the plugs on the end! https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/thermocouples/3630250?gb=a