The great Snug clear-out of January 2018

Most of the wiring is already there only need to do the last 10 m

Yes, this was never a very good idea.

Isn’t there a florescent fitting in that end of the snug? Or is it long gone.

Anyway happy to have proper lighting back in there.

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There’s nothing down that way. Can we order this?

I think we should keep the lighting simple and based on our needs. So lights controlled by the pull switch but covering all areas. Should only cost a few quid.

If we go for those units we’re committing ourselves to a solution when we haven’t yet looked at the challenge.

The fluorescent tubes are simple. I don’t understand why you would be against this?

We already have motion sensors. Just need to get the lamps.


We have a box of them in back I saw them the other day

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I have a block of pink upholstery foam that I’ll take back but I won’t be back until the following weekend. Can you hold on to it for me ?

Sure - we’ll look out for it this weekend.

I think the best way to approach this is for us to use this weekend to try and get some sort of order in the snug. Maybe only throwing away stuff that is quite obviously junk or spoiled goods.

I’ll have to speak to @Jackd and @afshind on the day, but I think dragging it all out, putting stuff with names on to one side, generally re-stacking and re-organising stuff to make the snug more easily accessible is probably the sum of what will be possible this weekend.

That way, all ‘projects’ will be stored in one place and members can then head to that particular area to claim their items prior to things actually being chucked out or repurposed the following few weekends.

Unless any old-school members are around to guide us as to what belongs to the space etc, we’ll be on a hiding to nothing trying to work out what’s staying and what’s not, so it’s best to just neaten it up, ready for when @Dermot et al can get in there the following week.

Sorry for the ramble, but yes - we’ll look out for the foam and will put a name tag on it if and when we find it!

I am there tho?

Awesome. We’ll see how it goes with clearing up and run anything we can’t easily identify by you.

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Simply because it’s £140 for some lights that we don’t know will have any long-term use. We can light the Snug for a fraction of this.

I felt that these would be useful in Phase 3 if it was ever to be done.

Yes, but right now we don’t know that it is, or how we want to arrange it or our lighting needs.

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It’s probably best to use new fittings as the old ones are in unknown condition, but we can move the emergency lighting from the front to the back

I think robust light fittings are worth the money. It’s the snug and people will be moving things around in there. Don’t want the lights to get bashed.

I could be wrong but I suspect Dermot is recommending we don’t do anything until phase 3 as it could be the wrong thing.

Is there sufficient lighting for us this weekend? Are those portable lights still knocking about?


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I’m just suggesting that we make a decision based on what we find when the snug is cleared, and also future plans. The whole snug used to be lit: it’s not clear to me why the original lights aren’t working, and it could be simply a missing bulb/tube?

Plus: Phase 3! If we’re doing it then that likely involves dismantling the whole thing.

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