The after party

…can’t sleep.

I was thinking. It was a great party on Saturday.
Not everyone could make it.
Some where late.

Could we have another get together to celebrate end of phase 3? Members only. A Friday or Saturday night.

I was thinking of playing a Lousie CK (other comedians are available) comedy show on the tv or a projector, beers, nibbles blah blah…

Raise your hand if you agree.

Cool better start phase 3

Did you mean Phase 3?

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Let’s smash it out

We can have a members get together without a reason. A summer party for example.

No. I meant phase 2. Sorry. It was 3am or something. As in let’s have another celebration for phase 2 completion. An after party.

It will be good for moral.

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Partee! :beers::champagne::hotdog::tada:

Clip art yaaa

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