Textiles night - Wednesday 6 December - 18:30 - 21:00

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Open night for the Textiles room - 6 December. Come along to find out more about the equipment we have.

  • Never used a sewing machine? Find out how!

  • What’s an overlocker? Have sewing fun with extra cutting-y-ness!

  • Embroidery you say? We have a machine for that!

Already know how to sew? - Come along for sewing related chat, telly and perhaps a biscuit or 5!

Open to everyone including non-members. I’ll give demos and practical sessions as a drop in through the evening.


Just popping a few names in here from when I did the woodworking induction. I know a couple of you said you wanted to know more about the sewing machines - but I can’t remember who!
Everyone welcome!


Hi Tracy have you decided on the date yet?

Agh! Can’t believe I forgot to add the date! This coming Wednesday - 6th December

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Thanks for tagging. Can’t make it this time unfortunately

Just a note to bop this to the top of the messages. Tonight! All welcome - just drop in.


I’m going to come along! I’m so excited to talk to other textile heads (not sure what the right term is?), but I won’t be there till a bit later after the kids have been put to bed.

I am a member but don’t have my fob yet, will I be able to do that at the same time?

Fantastic. I’ll be there until 9pm - but will need to leave pretty on the dot of 9.

See you later

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Hello! Do we have another of these planned? I was at electronics night last night and for about an hour it was highjacked with costume chat (with LEDS of course).

Signs the Space has the best members #189 - There was so much costume chatter last night :slight_smile: