Textiles Night - Mending circle - 10 July 6:30-9pm

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Come along to an evening of hand repair and mending. Bring your beloved, but tired, clothes that need a bit of love and care.
The emphasis is on hand repair tonight and threads and needles will be provided. Bring patches of textiles to mend with if you have some.

There will be no teachers/students - the plan is to work together, give tips and repair our own clothes and learning from each other. No experience is necessary. Non-members are welcome.

We will exchange mending tips and share stories about loving and looking after things we have.

If you have nothing to mend, still come along with your hand-sewing project!


Just a reminder that this is tomorrow - I know it happens to clash with some blokes kicking a ball but I’m hoping there are a few of us happy to avoid it :rofl:

The emphasis will be on hand-mending and visible mending - so please bring along thoseloved things from your wardrobe to breathe new life into them.

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Sadly can’t make it tomorrow (Wednesday is a busy one for me) - but have fun everyone :slight_smile:

I’ve got a backpack strap that’s coming loose and could do with some reinforcement. I’m a complete newbie when it comes to doing anying about it though. I can just about grasp the very basic basics.

Hi @Niall_Casey - sounds like it will just need running through one of the sewing machines. Tonight is more of a hand sewing evening and I wasn’t going to get the machines out - however, I’m guessing it might be quiet due to the footie so if you are going to be at the space, bring it along. I’m sure we can find time.

Oh don’t take anything out on my behalf! I thought I might have been a hand sewing thing, but shows what I know! As it is, it’s hanging on and will last a bit longer.

I’ll be at the space tonight anyway, as will the bag, so maybe I could bother someone for a bit of advice and tips, then work my way up to using the machine to fix it another time.

It’s no bother!! Anything can be done by hand or machine but machine sewing will be stronger which you’ll want for a handle.

Hopefully see you later!