Textiles drop-in - Wednesday 20 March 6:30 - 9:00

Drop-in session for anyone wanting a quick run-through of the basic sewing machines - members and non-members welcome. I’ll show you around the textiles area, where to find anything you might need and how to use the:

  • Janome home sewing machine
  • Overlocker

I’ll take a look at any projects and give advice where I can but can’t guarantee we’ll be able to work through your project as will depend on numbers. Plus I’m only a self-taught, home sewer and so might not have the technical skills for some of your amazing projects!


Thank you
I’ll be there

much appreciated, ill be there!

Would have loved to join but I’ll be on holiday next week…

@Juliedewisp - I do these evenings fairly regularly so keep an eye out on here for future ones.