Tapping a thread in metal without welding induction?

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Is there a way to tap a thread into some aluminum or brass at the space that doesn’t require the welding induction? (which from what i understand is required to toolcontrol the power in the metal working space?)

I’ve been milling a fair number of stamps for my hot foil stamping machine and my current method isn’t the best for storing the stamps. (i have the mini cnc drill a hole into my piece and then i use high temp two part epoxy to affix a bolt of my preferred size into the hole lol)

For taps and dies, and I believe for most other hand tools, there is no induction. If you’re unsure how to properly or safely use something, feel free to ask, or ping @metaltechs a message.


Tap and die sets are in the steel drawers in metalworking (some in black drawers, others in grey drawers). No power or induction needed. Drilling the hole using CNC is one option. Getting induction on the metal drill press is another. Consider also getting inducted on the metal lathe, which might help in making dies/stamps and can also be used to drill a hole in the centre.

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