Tapered punch or large eyelet setter

I bought some ‘8.88mm’ grommets for reinforcing my acrylic and none of my existing tools are working. I’ve had some luck using the the wrong end of a rivet setter, but it’s not going great. Do we have any big eyelet setters or a 8-10mm tapered punch in the space?

I have a big eyelet setter and some eyes. The sort of size used for tarpaulins and banners. So I’m pretty sure this’ll work for your needs.

When are you next down? I’ll try remember to put it in my bag!

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That is EXACTLY what I need.
The things I’m setting the eyelets in won’t be painted till probably Christmas. Any chance you’re around on the 27th?

There’s a chance! Else I can leave it somewhere for you.

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I’m going to come in on Sunday

Hey, what time are you there until? Can rush down if needs be else probably an hour?