Suppliers database

Hi all! As we can see here Open Evening Hosts - Always Needed!

During the open evenings, and not only, one of the most asked questions is if we have a suppliers database.
At the moment we don’t but maybe we should!
What is the @directors position about this? Did someone ever try to do such a thing?
Did someone talk with local suppliers?
What @members think about this? Any ideas?

I sort of started doing this for the laser in a long dead discourse thread. Would definitely support something like this.

Were you thinking a wiki page that members add to or a list of suppliers that SLMS is friendly with ? Like for discounts or access to bulk/tradesman prices and stuff.

We could start a wiki right here

Yeah, with a general community spirit of ‘I need some widgets, probably other people need widgets, call the guys and flirt your way to a group discount’

In general, some clear collection of group wisdom. I agree thoughf, a wiki, maybe in infrastructure or some other highly visible area that lists and encourages group buying.

Edit: how to, probably is more appropriate.

Honestly I very much doubt we’re going to arrange any discounts, but I think the key value from this would be to build or point people to a database of retailers.

Suppliers implies something a little different in my view.

There are lists like this out there.

I doubt it too, but nothing ventured, eh?

We already have a few 10-15% off deals in the #members:discounts-freebies-and-special-offers category

Let’s curate a list, in any case. I’m happy to ‘just do it’ I kind of tried before in a sort of lacklustre way, but something with a pin in it that is somewhere visable does more good than harm.

I was thinking more to a list of shops/websites with which we have some kind of deal/agreement for discounts or freebies or whatever… added to the group think that you were talking about!

I didn’t think about that… But will help a lot!

Yeah I think for stuff like wood there would be a big advantage to members submitting a list every so often and the space buying materials on their behalf.

That way the space can build a business relationship as regulars with suppliers. And perhaps get prices or delivery perks that individual members wouldn’t normally have access to. Several members could also group buy at bulk prices this way. Or divide up a large piece of material like a rough sawn board into several small projects pieces.


Sounds good.
Let’s do it.
SLMS Google docs?

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Please try and keep documentation in discourse - it makes it easier for newbies to find. Use the #how-to category and make the post a wiki.

Once several orders have been made with a supplier a business relationship forms, and it’s much easier to get ‘terms’. Going in cold asking for discounts is often ignored. But all approaches worthwhile.

Good advice. Thanks

I nearly started a website that performed the function of suppliers database, my technician at college and I were trying to start it so ppl on my course could easily find suppliers. I remembered yesterday that while the project got shelved she provided me with an extensive list in pdf form of suppliers that people at goldsmiths had amalgamated so I’ll dig out and share it.

Longer term i could finish the project and create a Drupal website that would allow makers / builders to log on and add / upvote / comment on suppliers for their geographical area, sounds like it could get some traction with makerspace users and undergrads…

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Sounds like a very useful resource.

Sounds like a project that would be of interest to OWN:

(Which we’re a part of BTW)

EDIT: this is something that’s no doubt been discussed, but not sure it ever happened

I tried to get this started with OWN but there were other ideas, and it became politics and I deleted the stuff.

That explains it!

I think a extensive database is the place to start, discounts come later when we start discovering them.

It seems like we’re conflating issues by trying to make a database and get discounts, and will slow it down.