Space Access This Week

I have been trying to work out how to arrange access across this week Today/Weds/Thurs in the evenings to do some woodworking.
I have messaged @directors but not yet had a response - please could someone help or advise how members can request access?
If anyone could also advise if there is an official way to book in space access that would be really handy to know!


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Yes, there is a space booking calendar!

Take a look at this and let us know any questions:

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Hi, if no sessions are in the calendar then a post saying when you’d like to come in is a good way to engage other members

Booking are all under ‘Space Bookings’ category with a good guide to take you through the steps

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Thanks @asander1, I don’t seem to have access to this link so might be why I cant work it out!
can this be granted for me?

Ah yes - things will be hard to understand if you can’t see the members only pages… @directors can check to make sure everything is in order…

Yes I cannot see the Space Bookings page either. hopefully this will resolve it once set up :slight_smile:

Try again now?

I am going round in circles and can find no calendar. I am and have been for many months completely unable to access the makerspace

Edit: Solved! That wasn’t so bad after all!

does that link lead to nowhere?

Hi Zach,

Is there a calendar icon in the top right of your interface? I think you still have shutter access and should be able to host sessions as well.

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I see the calendar icon, but I’m not sure what is next. It gives me the option to create new topic?!

The booking process was updated for COVID and relaxed a bit last December

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Thanks, yes strange I used it for the first time the booking form was not available and only the blog format to create topics. Seems to work now. Thanks

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The top calendar icon presents with a multi topic drop-down, then I got scared.

It works simply via the bookings section that is a scroll down page at the front end, and the booking form pops up. Quite excited to be back using tools at makerspace!

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