Shutter Access

Hi, I know I haven’t been a member very long, but I have met a few people and I’m now one of the 3d techs. What would I need to do to get shutter access? I haven’t been able to come to the space anywhere near as often as I’d like because I mostly want to come at weekends and often nobody opens the space (or books it late by which time I’ve made other plans). Obviously if I get shutter access it’ll let me come more often on the weekends, but also mean the space is open a bit more often for others. I understand if it’s not possible right now since I’m still fairly new, but it’d be good to know what the roadmap to making that happen would be.

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Hi Bill,

I know, it’s sometimes a bit difficult for members who have a little bit of a commute.

The TLDR; is: You need two people with shutter access to vouch for you. The idea is simply that you gain the trust of the other members, i.e. you’re not walking out with the crown jewels… :wink:

If you ask my personal opinion, I’d say as a 3D Tech, you should be able to access the Makerspace whenever you need to - especially for keeping the 3D printers in working order.

You’ll find the fine print is here:


Thanks mate. I’ll try to find out who I know who has shutter access.