Hi all!
I’m Joel, I’ve been looking to join a maker space for sometime now and this looks amazing!
I understand there’s big wait times for joining up fully, but I was just wondering if there was a way I could use a bit of empty space to do a quick welding project in the meantime?
Happy to pay/volunteer my time in return!
I have all my own tools, but I’m just really struggling to find anywhere in London where I could use a bench for a little bit!
No worries if not!
Hi Joel. There’s a legal and insurance protocol to adhere to. Once you become a member, you have to have an induction on the tools you would like to use to prove that you are competent to use the tools on your own without supervision. Once inducted you then have to book the space/tool you like to use on the day and hours you would like to use them. I hope this helps.
Keep Smiling
Hi Joel,
Great you want to join. We currently do not have a waiting list for membership, but there is a waiting list for using the welding area. As a 100% volunteer-run makerspace, our induction process may take a bit longer.
We do have an open evening coming up on the 30th, where you can tour the space and meet some fellow makers.
Best regards
Hi Joel,
Couple of places come to mind.
If it’s a more of a professional thing then have a look at BLOQS and POW (Park Royal Open Workshop).
If it’s an arty-farty thing then London Sculpture Workshop (LSW).
Hi Karin,
Unfortunately I’m working that night, are there any others coming up?
When are you free to come over? I can be there to show you around as a one-to-one and hopefully get you to meet the @metaltechs if it’s in the evening. You can then decide if the space is suitable for your needs. We have our own welding equipment and gas setup. You would still need an induction to prove you’ve been shown how to not injure yourself, other people, or damage other things in the area (fires, extraction, curtains, clothing, etc.) so you may as well use our equipment. You would also need an induction to be able to turn the power on as that’s how we stop non-inducted members from using dangerous equipment.
There’s no wait for becoming a member as Karin mentioned. The wait time for having a metal induction can vary. It’s better to speak to a metal tech or inductor directly about that. Membership is a monthly subscription, induction is a one-off so you will be able to use the space as much as it’s open (when a keyholder is in). If you’re willing to contribute your time as you said, you can work your way up to becoming a keyholder yourself and then you’ll have 24/7 access.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for this, I actually might be able to come round tomorrow evening if you’re free, I can confirm that a little later today but no worries if you can’t make that.
Otherwise I could come next Friday night?
I’m keen to start the induction process as you say it can vary to get into the metal workshop.
Is there parking on site?
Tomorrow evening is fine for me. Once you confirm, I’ll make sure I’m there. There is parking on site but we have only 2 parking permits and they’re for members. The evening time should be safe from wardens but it’s your risk to take. There is also street parking but availability varies depending on how busy the area is since it’s the weekend. Generally, people don’t usually have a problem parking. I posted some information about parking last year, as far as I know, nothing has changed.
Tomorrow evening is good! Would 6 be okay to get there for to meet the metal techs? Ideally earlier evening the better but obviously I’ll go by when people are there to see.
Yes, that’s fine. See you there.
Great stuff!