Shelf for Alcohol

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Hey everyone!

I have been postponing it for too long, but here it is - my alcohol shelf project!:man_dancing:

Apologies, I know it has been annoying for everyone in the space to stumble into an array of all those painted shelves for quite a number of days in the end of last year.

Here’s how it all happened.

Firstly, I cut 18mm plywood to dimensions of shelves and sides (massive thanks to @lewisss for a very timely tracksaw+Domino induction!):

Then @joeatkin2 helped me with a little jig (thanks Joe!) to drill the edges of the sides so I could screw adjustable legs into them:

To keep things simple I decided to go for just 1 cut on each of the sides to allow for skirting:

Then the most time consuming part began!

I used insane amount of base coat layers and wood filler to even up plywood surface. Apparently it was a bad mistake to just buy plywood at local Selco🤪

I also had quite a hilarious learning curve with Domino system:

Sanding and re-coating has been a never ending process, most of the time everything looked like this:

After almost receiving threats of revoking my basic woodworking induction, I finally applied few coats of second layer paint and clear PU varnish:

Then @platinumnqueen22 helped me to glue everything up (huge thanks Brian!):

Ready to travel home!

Fit for purpose😎:

Big thanks to @mbg, @joeatkin2, @lewisss, @platinumnqueen22, @DuncanK and @Destom (hope I tagged everyone correctly!) for the invaluable input by providing their wealth of practical knowledge on various aspects of this job!

Many thanks,
Mike I


Hello dear sir,:smiley: you are very welcome it looks great in situ a job well done and im looking forward to your next piece. Keep well. Brian D=


Hi Brian, thanks a lot for your support! :smile: