We should get one of these…
“autocorrect for your hands”
That is seriously cool. Effectively 2D CNC without the enormous rails.
Yes, I agree, seen reviews of them in action, apparently really highly rated, puts the ShopBot Handibot to shame
And it would fit in a small suitcase!
Pre-orders start at the end of the month “under $1,500”
But it’s 110V USA sales only
Who wants to go and get one for us?
Very cool indeed. Now available for pre-order - $1500 each and only ships to the USA
Thanks for merging threads - I did search before posting but didn’t see it… I find it difficult to see stuff on here, esp on mobile…
this thread is the first result when you type “shaper” in to the search…
Really in two minds about whether to pre-order a 110v version or wait for 240v…
Wait for folks to iron out the bugs… I would a Makerspace pledge for the UK one, I can see how useful this would be for members.
We totally should get one of these.
I am totally bumping this. Bump?
Holy Thread Resurrection!
Let’s get woodtechs giving even basic Router inductions first?
I’ve used one, they’re pretty cool! There’s a temptation to make designs that takes hours to cut…and then you’re still holding a router for hours.
It’s the only tool you need.
Back in the dial-up days we were calling this Thread Necromancing, bringing dead threads to life.