Shaper Origin

We should get one of these…


“autocorrect for your hands”

That is seriously cool. Effectively 2D CNC without the enormous rails.

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Yes, I agree, seen reviews of them in action, apparently really highly rated, puts the ShopBot Handibot to shame

And it would fit in a small suitcase!

Pre-orders start at the end of the month “under $1,500”

But it’s 110V USA sales only :frowning:

Who wants to go and get one for us? :smiley:

This has been doing the rounds today.

Looks pretty amazing…

Very cool indeed. Now available for pre-order - $1500 each and only ships to the USA

Thanks for merging threads - I did search before posting but didn’t see it… I find it difficult to see stuff on here, esp on mobile…

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this thread is the first result when you type “shaper” in to the search…

Really in two minds about whether to pre-order a 110v version or wait for 240v…

Wait for folks to iron out the bugs… I would a Makerspace pledge for the UK one, I can see how useful this would be for members.

We totally should get one of these.

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I am totally bumping this. Bump?


Holy Thread Resurrection! :wink:

Let’s get woodtechs giving even basic Router inductions first? :smile:


I’ve used one, they’re pretty cool! There’s a temptation to make designs that takes hours to cut…and then you’re still holding a router for hours.

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It’s the only tool you need.

Back in the dial-up days we were calling this Thread Necromancing, bringing dead threads to life.