Sewing Table Upgrade and Shelves

Will use the track saw in about 15m to cut in half. Needs to be done regardless and will be super easy.

Mounting the current legs won’t take long to at least have tables usable until we decide on permanent legs.

Okay. Good luck with cut.


Done! Will def want to get a set of matching legs.


Awesome!! Nice work.

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Looks great!

Looks really good. What are you doing with the old table top?

@Nancy was talking about maybe using it against the wall or we could make selves from them. We are very short of storage in the textile area and could do with selves up against the back wall :grin:

Had the same thought for ceramics. Just wanted to check before it is not used.

Sorry Karin! We are hoping to convince one (or more!) of our wonderful woodworkers to help us make some shelves for the back wall from those pieces.

That’s a great idea!

I’m off work all next week - happy to put up a few shelves in textiles! Will sketch something up and send over for approval :slight_smile:


That would be amazing!! Would be great to have a chat about it and about what we want there. I can pop pretty much any time over the weekend or weekdays next week - any day except Monday in fact. What works for you?

That would be awesome! Please do :smiley:

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I probably won’t be in this weekend - how about Tuesday?

Yes, I can come in Tuesday - just let me know when you’ll be there. Exciting!

How about 5? Can do later / earlier super easily, I’m on annual leave all week

Hi Sean
Sorry to be a pain but I can’t make today at 5. I work afternoons and only finish at 5. I could make it after 7? Or I could either make any morning (except Thursday but including today) or tomorrow after 5:30?

Absolutely no problem - call it 7:30 instead?

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That will be great. See you at 7:30

Regarding shelves we still have these in the snug.