Ruby is offline

Hi everyone,

Precious Ruby, the Trotec Speedy 300, laser cutting software wasn’t working today. Andy mentioned that there was something wrong with the database. I hope it will be back online soon.

The workaround was using the Job Control way, but I cut my session two hours short today because Speedy started flaming, even though I was using the same settings I normally use with Ruby.

Ruby is SO precious; when will it be back online? Please can the Laser Techs keep us updated?


By the way, I cleaned the nozzel etc and it still started flaming.

Hmm is the extraction coming on properly?

When were the filters last cleaned?

@lasertechs - thoughts?

Full clean was done in Nov, a pipe clean was done last month.

The flaming shouldn’t be caused by extraction (as that deals with fumes) - it’ll be due to the settings used.

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I used the laser a LOT for the festival (and then did a clean at the end).
I didn’t experience any flaming.

Also - as mentioned in the original post about this issue - I will not be able to be on site until Monday at the earliest

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My usual settings is 100% power, speed 1 with 2 passes using Ruby, which doesn’t cause flaming.

I’m not used to flaming, even though the fire extinghiser is nearby.

I meant maybe the extraction wasn’t coming on properly…

Or if the filters need cleaning someone else can do that, doesn’t need to be laser techs…

Or the settings aren’t engaging the air assist? I don’t know Job Control enough to know enough about the under-line/default settings.

If you’re having issues using the Laser safely, please stop and wait for one of the Lasertechs to look into the issue.

There is a difference which caused the flaming. Speedy is meant for Ruby, so hopefully it will be back online soon.

Hi Andy

Will Ruby be back online today? I have a session at 14:00, but I don’t fancy using Job Control.

So far, no MongoDB volunteers unfortunately so it is doubtful, will put out a message…

Does the Ruby suppliers offer customer support?

I have some sql experience, not Mongo, but maybe technical support could walk me through how to fix the problem.

Yes, we submitted a ticket to Trotec yesterday (the supplier)… here was the response:

But we don’t want to wipe it without trying a restore first or we will lose all the data…

Thanks for the details.
I’m an IT Tech who’s very good at figuring things out. Is there a front interface like phyMyAdamin or is it all back-end?

Can I have the login details. I promise I won’t do anything. I just want to have a look at it, to see what I can do.

Can you make a disk image and duplicate of the disk drive?

I’ve used MongoDB before in production services. It’s been many years so I was hoping someone else would come forward. If you can send me a copy of C:\ProgramData\Trotec\Ruby.Mongo\data I can see what I can do


You sound like a stronger candidate than me :relieved:

You’re an IT pro, I’m not, and you are there today.