Router templates - wood thickness?

I’m planning to create a router template for a woodwork project I’m doing at home.

I just wondered if anyone who had done this before might have some insight. Is 3mm ply sufficient for a template? Or should I go for something thicker?


I did use a 6mm mdf in the past,but i would recommend a thicker mdf, 9 or 12mm

Did you create that template on the laser cutter?

usually thicker - depends on the bearing bit youre using - you want firm contact between the template and the bearing, as well as enough thickness to account for the gap between the bearing and the cutting edge.

The laser cutter is excellent for cutting templates

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Awesome. Ok perfect. I didn’t realise you could cut MDF that thick on the laser!

I’ll come up with the design and work out what bit I’m going to use :ok_hand:

MDF on the laser….?
Plywood surely.

If it is a template that you are going to be using regularly, I would recommend using 6 or 10 mm acrylic and laser etch on it what it is for

Lewisss recommendation is a good one.