Router, festool domino, table saw inductions request

Hi @woodtechs @Wood-inductors - can I please request inductions for the table saw, handheld router, and festool domino?

I can come in any time from 10am-6pm on Saturday 4th Jan (morning preferable so I can practice after) or after 6pm on Friday 3rd Jan.

I’ve done the table saw quiz and will look over the manuals/docs for the Festool Domino and hand router beforehand.


Hi @woodtechs @Wood-inductors - just a nudge on this please.

Even if someone can induct me on just one or two of the above tools this weekend it would be much appreciated.

Also happy to wait e.g., if Thursday 9th or Friday 10th evening works better?

Hi Sarab,
Sorry about that!
If you’re around on Sunday afternoon I can get you signed off on the table saw as a start.

No problem and thanks for the offer!

Unfortunately Sunday afternoon is tricky. I could potentially make it down around 6 or 7pm though - how late were you planning on being in?

Probably not that late, sorry!
If someone else isn’t around before then I will likely be down same time the following weekend.

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I should be in later today, or Sunday evening should work for me

Ah perfect today (Saturday) definitely still works best. Around what time will you be in?

In about an hr or 2

OK nice I’ll aim to get in at 3ish

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