Roof Battens

how do,

Quick question, the battens holding the lining to the roof. where did we get them from and what was the material?

Was it from these guys?


That’s the stuff

I believe the specific material was called Hanit Quality 1 manufactured by Hahn Plastics. I think Filcris was the supplier. I think it was believed at first to be wood-plastic composite, but when we got it it was discovered to be completely plastic. At least, this applied to the second lot of battens, which we got in December. The first lot used to line phase 1 may have been a different material, which was probably an actual wood-plastic composite, and was much more brittle.

If you are looking to obtain some, you might want to enquire about taking some/all of the spares we have lying around if they have not already been taken. I know we had quite a few left over.

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Yes, there’s loads in the space. No idea what else it will be good for

intriguing, thanks for that, will have a ganders at what we have next time i am in the space.

A quick look says we have about 5 runs of the 2x1 and a couple of the 1.5^2 plus miscellaneous off cuts.