Rivet machine (textiles) non-permanent upgrade

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The physical mechanics of the rivet machine were a bit of a nightmare to use when working with thicker fabrics. I was really struggling.

Thankfully @Juliette_Lemaignen was able to attach to a block of scrap wood to make it far more usable for me.

I can remove the block again after I’ve finished riveting or we can leave it, so it’s better for everyone. I’ve checked and it still fits on the shelf with the block attached.


Seems likely a great modification. Let’s leave in it’s new and improved iteration - if it causes an issue for anyone else we can always revise then.

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I have the same device at home, and it’s a pain to use without it being secured / fixed in some way. This is a great option.
I would also strongly recommend using a clamp to secure it to a table or similar, which stops any lateral movement and makes things simpler still.

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