Retro Gaming Summer Party [Cancelled]

I think I can do the 10th probably, but definitely not the 3rd.
I have a J-NTSC Super Famicom and a bunch of games, but tbh that’s probably a bit superfluous if the Super NT is there!

games controllers multitap etc would still be desirable.

although super nt can play roms ive decided to not use that firmware, and besides it cannot play all roms - mario kart as an example of this.

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I spent the day looking after my collection :))


loving the collection, especially the dreamcast <3 and gameboy dmg01! game gear was pretty cool too.

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Moved the date to the 24th of june as voted :slight_smile:


Oh cool!

I have Mario Kart. And Parodius Da. And err… Samurai Spirits? and Space Invaders. Super Mario World…
And Super Bomberman 4. And some other things I have forgotten.

Should probably get a multitap for Bomberman…


what time is this happening ?

@adamjpage brought in a cool atari clone tonight. notifying him of this thread.

What time you looking at?

Also, I’ll bring the N64 and Mario Kart again…so long as @liam isn’t gonna be there to school everyone?! :wink:

oh , no please, we can do better frame rate and joysticks this time with the gamecube/wii/wii u :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s me thinking this was a ‘retro’ event :wink:

time of event ?

TBH , no clue, any idea?


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Sounds about right for me :slight_smile:

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This is on Sunday, right?

indeed it is!

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Can’t make this now, unfortunately. Clashes with a World Cup BBQ I’ve been invited to.

Hopefully we can hold another one later in the year.

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People I was thinking to reschedule this , there will be the football match and I don’t think this gained enough interest , what’s your opinion?

My 1981 BBC micro emitted smoke when turned on, now repaired and
playing Chuckie Egg.

I plan to pop in for a bit Sunday afternoon/evening even if this is rescheduled.