Resin Printer Isopropyl Alcohol

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The IPA purchased for resin printing is increasingly being used for other purposes. Not to say that areas should never borrow from each other, but wanted to flag that occasionally I see that one of the USED bottles is out and about on a table somewhere.

@3Dtechs may know exactly what the composition of this potion is, but I might advise people not to use it for anything as it may contain uncured UV resin and leave a residue on anything you wipe with it.

@3Dprinters definitely don’t wipe bambu build plates down with used IPA.


Might be worth putting a label-maker-label on the bottle - at least saying ‘return to 3D when done’…or just ‘3D printer use only’?

Yes this is a no no. it will ruin a build plate pretty quick.

All of the Ipa should be in labelled bottles if this is used IPA.

I’ve been diligently cleaning the build plate with IPA before using it - following the advice given by a 3D tech.

From what Bambu say, it doesn’t appear that IPA would damage the plate in any way (Acetone would). It’s simply that IPA is less effective at cleaning than using detergent.

And yes - contaminated IPA should be clearly labelled as such.

It’s also cloudy and has a bunch of sediment… Forbidden milk

That’s not enough to distinguish it. It should not be in an IPA bottle unless it is very clearly labelled as contaminated.

I’m specifically talking about the used ipa. Fresh/clean ipa is perfectly fine to use.

i used and probably forgot to put away an ipa that was borrowed from 3d on sunday. i believe it was clean, but yeah,.if that was me - sorry about that. i will note that it was poured into another vessel and i dont think was subsequently poured back in. if it was, then that would be flux residue from soldering.

I poured the remainder of that IPA out and placed the bottle back with the resin printers

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ah i think i remember now, thank you!