Repairing Blackberry BB20 Keyboard

Hello awesome people!

I am working on a handheld device that I can run Linux on. A mini computer that you can put in your pocket. Components:

  • 4.3 inch screen
  • power bank
  • raspberry pi5
  • BB20 keyboard from solder party
  • Custom 3D printed case

PROBLEM: My BB20 keyboard has partially stopped working. The keyboard is a very cool piece of hardware as it comes from a Blackberry phone. It is adapted to work as a universal keyboard and trackpad. The trackpad has stopped working. I suspect the reason may be that the adhesive let go and a connector may have gotten damaged somewhere as the keyboard started to come off. The keys work as intended.

Following is an image of the keyboard:

I am a novice when it comes to repairing electronics. Would anyone be up for assisting me in taking the keyboard apart and diagnosing the issue?

All the best,
