Repairing a digital caliper

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I got a Mitutoyo digital caliper off ebay, for what I thought was a very good price…too good it seemed.

It was the real thing, and in excellent condition, except…

The off button didn’t work, and looking in the battery compartment everything was very corroded, and when I tried to clean the battery contacts, they broke off.

I have only the most basic soldering and electronics skills and so opened it up.

My attempts to solder the old contact back onto the PCB was a complete failure, another member (appologies, I’ve forgotten your name, really appreciated your help) suggested scratching away the surface of the PCB to get at the copper underneath to get a better connection.

The old battery contact was hopeless, so I fashioned some new ones out of some copper soleniod wire from the spares box, filed the surfaces of them and hammered them flat.

Worked a treat, new battery contacts and a working caliper :+1:


Nice repair! It always feels good to have a quality item and get it for a bargain (with some work!).