Recycling a paraglider

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I’ve recently saved a ripped paraglider off a friend from going in the bin.
I’ve taken most of the cords to use as tool lanyards for work and I’m now thinking what I could do with the material (skytex ripstop nylon)
I’ve got about 15m2 of it, and only planning on using a little bit for some small bags.

I was thinking of maybe commissioning someone to make a windstopper jacket out of it.
Anyone here keen to take that on? Happy to pay for the time within reason.

Otherwise i cant think of anything usefull to do with it, so, would anyone want the material before it goes back in the bin?



I may be interested if you are not using it. Planning to make outdoor stuff so would be great to experiment eith other materials

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It may be suitable material for a kite - if so, I’d be interested- also @techfolderkites may be. Otherwise perhaps roll it up unwanted material neatly and have it in textiles area if get ok from @textilestechs. Or might it be suitable for a gazebo outside?

Hi Harry,

Do you have any photos of the material? And also the sort of jacket you’d like?


I think we can definitely have it on the shelves in the textiles area, maybe also stick a label on it saying free fabric. People can at very least use it for mockups.

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I’d definitely be interested in some for outdoor biking bags!

Could make it into some…. Parachute pants :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Harry, can you share a photo of the sort of coat you’d like? Just trying to get an idea of complexity etc.

Do you have the structural elements? If so, what material are they, as I might have use for them, please.

Funnily enough I’m in the same situation.
I’ve got a second-hand paraglider I bought long ago for ground handling practice but then lost interest in the sport
Happy to leave in the textiles area if you think it’ll be used. If I can fit it on the back of my bike!