We not to sure, depends really on what she connects with between now and then. She got a bit obsessed rigging her characters last year and took a deep dive into that, she knows how to teach herself when she makes that connection, one of her neuro diverse supper powers once a choice is made :).
This coming year the school is going to push her to use the Adobe suit of tools to do 3D modeling. She is quite good in music too, she plays in the senior Symphonic Orchestra in Bromley as Timpanist/Percussionists which includes setting up/breaking down the hall each day. She is also just finishing a level 2 UAL diploma in music production at school. She could also go into festival/event management, she was the youngest at MozFest while I ran the YouthZone part(A bit like EMF) with Mozilla; she got to run her own micro passion sessions together with a posy of other peer to peer youngsters as tomorrows engineers and got on well with them as a group.
She also aspired at one point to own and run her own digital art/maker coffee shop that she had started to plan with a friend and we had a discussion about maybe doing an apprenticeship pathway if something suitable and supportive could be found rather than strait into Uni…
Last couple of years at the Brit has seen her going from being unable to work to a brief to demonstrating she has adopted the training to now work to a brief, not quite on demand yet, that’s what the next 2 years are about to own the process/workflow and add her creativity on top of that process type thing based on a clients need rather than her needs.
So ya we don’t know whatever skills based career she ends up doing we cool with it