Proposal: Membership System 2.1

I don’t see why not.

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Wow great!

Alexa, ask South London Makerspace if the shutter is open ? Like that ?

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Yus exactly

Alexa, are there enough coffee beans in the coffee machine and, if at all possible, could you please pour us a cuppa? I’m 10mins away…

no there is not … donations of beans greatly appreciated

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Seriously though…there might be mileage in getting a more reliable way of communicating with members in the Space so that you know if others are likely to be around.

That might be just resurrecting an instant messenger system? Slack was popular and well used in its day – Telegram could become that again.

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Alexa, remember to order coffee beans for the space…

There’s no reason why one couldn’t make a telegram bot which uses the APIs of the membership system to answer questions like “is the shutter open”. If said bot was in the SLMS members telegram group, that’d work quite well…

Or one that just posts to say the shutter is open or closed.