Projects in need of ownership ASAP

Over the weekend we had a big clean out of the snug and made room for projects. We tried to put what we thought were projects related to the laser cutter in there so they don’t get used as scrap. If you can put your name on them or let someone know that would be great. I’m not sure what the plan to recycle project material is but it will likely happen. Anyone that has any information on that feel free to chime in.

@members collect your stuff it is at risk of disposal.

What stuff Tom?!

See the post above, but honestly, if you’ve left personal property in the space without following the storage rules:

Only members may store items at the space. If you’re not a member, your stuff may be removed, destroyed, or hacked at a moment’s notice.

To store projects/items you must get permission first by starting a new topic in Storage

The only storage requests on there have for space infrastructure or stuff that has expired, or @tomnewsom’s map.

the projects are on the left as you head into the snug, some under the table against the wall, some on the table.
@lasertechs We need a storage for laserPly as a matter of urgency-ish.
It should be a small enough matter to include a few shelves in this general laserPly storage area to accommodate
active laser Projects.

Not sure who all lasertechs are but bug them, and offer them help to implement something to deal with this.
It was zero fun for me and Tyler, cleaning up and consolidating all the laserPly, paper and perspex that was everywhere in the “messy” room.

This is not a big project, help will be available, but this must be something that lasertechs spec and project manage right??

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I’ve created a backdated storage request for some wood (oak table top) originally stored under the woodwork table. It’s labelled, but I’ll be over tomorrow to make sure it’s not in the way.

cool, if u can put it with the other ones in the snug, it should be safe, stick a tag on it
cheers, a more coherent system will no doubt emerge soon enough

His stuff got moved last week end… I packed together and labeled properly…

I’ve got four scaffold boards that I’m working k. For a table top. I meant to get it finished last week but had a bit of an emergency to attend to. I’ll be over to sort them out this afternoon.


nice one, left as you go into the snug is where we are storing stuff at the moment, keeping them projects together will keep them safe from recycling, stick your name and expected end date on a tag on it, cheers

I am frankly confused with the dynamic of the Makerspace and of course the storage/projects issue, yes I have brought few frames and material for the @silkscreentechs area for communal use winch is under the printing table hope it still there. Will pop in today.

Communal use gear doesn’t need a storage request. In your case it’s clearly for screen printing.

This is more a list of questions rather then an answer, but you would be doing the space a huge favour in having a quick?! read and letting me know answers if u got them.

So, there is no hard and fast dynamic at the moment. If you want to invest some time driving this forward please do.

The challenge at the moment is the same challenge that any shared space faces, or prob even shared housing.

We got 150 + members, usage is/will increase.

Will members store projects at the space?
If so, how will this happen? Does it need to be regulated to stop space becoming more storeroom then makerspace, have we seen evidence of this happening already.
Have you?

Also regarding bringing stuff to the space for communal use, there are a number of challenges…(this is a general question for everyone, and not about any person/thing)

Should people bring whatever they feel is useful to the space, materials, equipment for use for members in the future?
Does this, has this meant we have/will end up using lots of space for storing materials and objects which may not be useful after all? And will it require people to spend time clearing this out when it becomes a problem


My quick answer is that we probably can’t have long-term member storage, so that means we can have fixed term.project storage.

Bringing things in you ‘believe’ to be useful has long been discouraged, for the reasons you mention.

Communal stuff needs agreement: the obvious people to check with is the relevant @role for small stuff, and membership and directors for larger gear.

It should technically be approved through the directors as a donation / loan however…

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