Problem buying wood for laser cutting

hey all having a spot of bother buying wood for the laser cutter, I get to the shop part of the makerspace website and navigate to the “materials” section I get to a page saying “No products were found matching your selection.”

am i looking in the right place? Here’s a couple of screenshots of what’s happening:

@smjmaker - do we still allow buying through the webshop? Also did we fix this so you can only buy if you are a member?

@patrickstratton - for now you can always buy materials with cash by putting in the honesty box on the laser shop at the space…


Thanks Andy! I’ll do that for now:
For stock update I’m getting two sheets of 6mm

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Buying through the web shop is the preferred way as it records what was bought.

Not sure why it wouldn’t be working except maybe if stock levels are incorrectly recorded so stock that is available does not show up as being in stock?

If you buy and put money in the honesty box then would be great if you could also record what you bought with a little post-it note etc because that’s easiest way to see what the money in the box is actually for.

@petra I need to get the key for the honesty box btw :slight_smile:

I’ve just opened the web shop logged in and it is working fine?

I’ve seen problems before where if you use the breadcrumbs then it does not show anything but if you navigate back to the correct pages down from the Members Area -> Shop then should be fine…

One thing I forgot! Ill bring it.

i’ve put a piece of masking tape on the masking tape with what i bought on and how much i’ve paid

I’ve also jsut realised that the 6mm plywoods are all actually 7mm @lasertechs would you like me to relabel the wood? I can just cross out the 6 and put a 7 with a pencil if you want

The variations on the plywood are not ideal, we’ve never bought 7mm, it’s not one of the standard sizes but you might find that 6mm could be nearer 7mm.

I’m currently reviewing the shop purchases as well as some thicknesses are really expensive which I’ve only just realised. The 2mm is actually really expensive and this is not reflected in the web shop costs.

Don’t relabel anything, it needs a rethink, if you are still there in an hour or so then we can discuss, I’ll be there about 6ish?

ive checked the 6mm and you’re right, it’s 6mm just near 7mm if that makes any sense, yeah i’ll be around at 6 see you then

Hi @smjmaker on this subject can I ask a couple of questions as am in the process of designing a piece for the laser cutter.

  1. What are the dimensions of the pieces that are available to buy in the space?

  2. Is that the largest piece that can be cut? Or could I cut a larger piece.


Hi Nick,

The spec of the laser cutter can be checked out here: Laser Cutter - Trotec Speedy 300

You could cut a piece as big as 726 x 432 mm as that is the bed size.

We just happen to purchase sheets from SLEC which are 1220 x 600 and cut into 3 pieces of approx 400 x 600 which is generally OK for most people but of course if you need to use something bigger then you could purchase yourself but for us to trim to that size we’d have a lot of waste?

What size do you want to cut? We could potentially add some materials into a future order for yourself and you could buy it and cut to the sizes you want if the 400 x 600 does not work for you?

Let me know, always open to discussion on this…

Thanks, Steve

Thanks - sorry I should have looked at the spec

That makes total sense in order to always have pieces available at a cost efficient size

I had given myself the slightly arbitrary parameter of making a whole piece out of only one sheet with minimum waste etc. so I would like to make something out of the largest piece possible. But that doesn’t take into account the original size I’d be trimming from, which may overall mean more waste unless I can find a meaningful use for the offcut.

Good to know the rationale for the size, I’ll have a look at my plans, it might make more sense to stick the standard size and 2 sheets.

Thanks for getting back so quickly.

No problem, we buy our supplies from SLEC

You might find that you could buy some other sizes which work better for you but for general stock in the shelves we work with the ~400 x 600mm sheets

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just a quick note… for the store you have to be “logged in”. It’s a bit stupid, but that’s what we have for now. Did that work?

I had the same behavior…
For the url:
Visiting via cart->return to shop->materials showed no materials available even when logged in
Members area->shop->materials did not work the first time, but populated after a refresh

Trying the whole thing again from a private window did not replicate the behavior.

I had the same issue previously and didn’t realise I needed to be logged in. Related question is the makerspace account the same as the discourse one?

The shop (including membership) is a separate system than discourse.

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Got it - thanks Kyle