Poll: Green plastic sheets - keep or dispose

As part of the snug cleanup process, people who were involved identified items that we may not want to keep. We agreed in a member meeting to poll the membership on each item.

  • If you are the owner/guardian etc of the item, please say so in a reply to stop the poll.
  • Please vote and then, if you wish, make a case in a reply post for your stay/go vote.
  • If you would be interested in taking over the item, post that in a reply.
  • Polls will stay open for 7 days.
  • Items with no votes at all will be disposed of.

Description: Several sheets of heavy duty green plastic

  • Keep
  • Dispose

0 voters

Please do not throw this away, slms paid money for the polypropylene last year or two. @Dermot it could even go to the laser shop, it is relatively useful and totally laserable

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Thanks @Petra. Can you define what it is, and how it can be used?

polypropylene sheet, it was used for making visors, for straps of sorts. I used it once for a stencil for fabric cutting, it is being cut VERY fast. Id be keen on giving it a go in the laser shop and if it doesnt go anywhere, sell it on, but Dermot will know how much money is that worth and should that be returned.