The build plate wouldn’t go directly in the wash station as it does with the one we have (its marginally bigger), but thats ok, prints just come off the build plate before going into the wash station.
We might want some of the high speed resin to try out, but I think thats about it. It also comes with a few spare sheets for the bottom of the vat.
What I really think this money could go towards is hazardous chemical disposal from the space - for the used bottles, IPA all that crap from the resin printers once in a while.
@potatoman, I thought you were saying £80 + your original £25 pledge, so I’ve gone £105. Even if you lower to the same I think we have enough without the VAT?
Hello everyone. I visited the space yesterday and was very excited to see a new box hanging around in 3d printing… it was the new resin printer! Sam and I unboxed it today:
It came with a bottle of “High Speed” resin. It’s a bit thinner than the normal suff, but as it says, it prints faster! (but I’ve seen at least one review that say it comes at a cost of print quality).
We tried one of the models that came with the machine… 37 minute print time for this lovely item… we’re not sure what it is, but you can find it by the window in arch 1 for further inspection… Just don’t look at the bottom where the supports were.
I’d like to add a few more notes on usage and create a tool page before general use, so hopefully just another day. For anyone super keen, here is the wiki / manual: