Please join me in congratulating our incoming director Paul Court

@Courty wishing you a long, productive and stress free term <THUMBS UP ICON>


And props to the other candidates for putting their names[1] forward. I thought there was real excellence in the various nomination statements.

[1] Names… and egos, hopefully not now bruised!


Let me join in in thanking all the candidates for their willingness to stand. We had four very high quality candidates, and I’m sure our new director will do us all proud.

There will be an official debrief of the election from the directors (hopefully) later in the day once we have had a chance to have some brief initial discussions :slight_smile:


I was delighted to see Paul elected this morning: this is good news for the group.

Thanks also for kind words from various members about the quality of the field in which Paul excelled. Certainly no egos were bruised in the making of this election.

Kind regards,



Many Thanks guys. I am slightly shocked and truly honoured to be representing you all as the newest SLMS Director.

We are blessed at SLMS to have a Huge amount of talent in the membership as is obvious by the other candidates in this election as well as the people I meet walking round the space. The guys who put their names forward for this election already do a huge amount for the space and I look forward to working closely with them and all the volunteers to help drive SLMS onward and upward.

Should be an interesting ride, i’m really looking forward to it :wink:

Courty (aka Paul)


Many congratulations Courty - I have no doubt you’ll do a stellar job. And thanks to you (and others) for those kind words about the calibre of candidates. I’m sure @tomnewsom will be breathing a sigh of relief that he can hand on his responsibilities to such a capable pair of hands!


Well done @Courty

Now you are going to realise what a pain in the butt I am!!!



@lewisss, like i didn’t know that already :wink:

Happy to take your constructive suggestions and help at anytime…


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My congratulations too,
and as I wrote before, this was a really quality field of choices - hope we can keep all of your wisdom and insights still? Look at it this way - you don’t have any of the legal responsibilities that @courty now has :wink:


Well done Courty, great result, I’m chuffed for you and also for the members as I’m sure you’ll do a fantastic job.

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Very happy to join in this welcome to @Courty !

And also to thank the other candidates who looked at the task of being a director and made the decision that they were prepared to commit their time and energy to it. As has been said – and is easy to say with all honesty – a very highly skilled set of candidates with much to offer the Makerspace as we move out of start-up mode and into our long-term future.

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