Planer and bandsaw inductions

Hi @woodtechs

Could someone please induct me on the bandsaw and planer (at the same time if possible)?

I’m available Monday 29th July 9am-4pm or Wednesday 31st after 6pm. Can find times the following week if neither of those work.

I’ll do the quiz for the planer but couldn’t find one for the bandsaw (will read materials for both).


Do the quiz and I’ll add you to the thread where we coordinate the assessments. But Monday morning should work

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OK done - thanks!

Hiya, any chance I would be able to join this induction as well?

Hi Sophie, the assessments for the “advanced” wood shop tools are self-paced. Read up on our rules and usage notes, and if you’re ready to demonstrate that you can use the tool safely and have taken the quiz, by all means.

Thanks Max! I’m really just looking to use the bandsaw and couldn’t see a quiz link on the page for that yet. Is it still possible to get signed off on it?

Still haven’t made it up yet. Review the material and reach out and we’ll get you sorted

That’s great, thank you!

Hi @woodtechs

I did the inductions for bandsaw and planer/thicknesser on Monday with @mbg but my fob won’t let me activate tool control. In the space now - any chance this can be fixed quickly so I can use the tools?


Hi yeah I’m here. Let me check on the list you should’ve been added sorry