PC Help!

Hi guys,

I feel a bit out of my depth with this but I think someone here may be able to help or offer some advice.

My PC has been randomly shutting down whenever I am in the middle of playing Valorant.
When I check the event viewer it says that a Kernal 41 error has taken place.

I did some research and thought it may be an issue with a power supply, so then I changed the PSU. Nothing.
I got myself a new GPU

So now I have no clue what’s causing the issue and really want to get fixed. Can anyone offer any advice?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Does this only happen when you are playing Valorant? Or has it happened other times?

Is the PC BSODing or just straight up turning off immediately?

Maybe a memory error? That cause weird random stuff. I’d try a memory test.

If the PSU and the GPU are new but the computer still crashes then that leaves the CPU and the memory as the most likely culprits. I suggest you run a memory check as Dan said, but I also suggest installing HWMonitor[1] and keeping an eye on temperature levels. Most modern processors will auto shut off if their temperature goes up too high. Valorant is a CPU-heavy game and could be pushing your temps a bit too high. Look up your CPU maximum operating temperature and see if you’re spending too much time at or above it.

[1] https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html

Are you sure you’re not having thermal issues? GPU/CPU stress tests working fine?

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