Hi, i joined up a couple of weeks ago, and my payment has been taken from my account this morning, but I’ve not had any contact about how I get in. I wasn’t sure who to contact?
Hi Rachel. Sorry, this is a manual process at the moment, so you slipped through the cracks. I’ve upgraded your account and you can now read the How To Access The Space page.
Oooh, can I jump on that upgrade wave too? I’m afraid I don’t have access to the page either @tomnewsom
we really need to automate this.
If that’s for me, the thought is very kind, but seriously, I cannot code, and should not be allowed to
Ha, well thats the issue… I can do this but have no time and we need to figure out how to get access to the server in a way that doesn’t kill it…
I’ll try taking a look at wrapping Tommen’s stuff on Hacking on Discourse into a script we can invoke from the slm-site when payment is approved.
There will be edge cases - eg. people using different email addresses for membership/payment and for discourse. It might be that we can use the discourse cookie to identify the user instead.
This really should be stuff that is done by the server rather than yet another web server to poke?
Me too
Should be good now
I was imagining it was all automatic, just some code in node that executes when payment is confirmed. Will get it working first manually though, didn’t have any time beyond setting up discourse locally this weekend. Will find some evenings this week to work on it.
Edge cases: for version 1 is enough I think to generate an email to trustees/ me(?) to say somethings gone wrong and it needs manual attention. v2 could send an email to the new member to do resolve it themselves. The current membership page still references Slack and the Wiki so prob that needs clearing up as part of this work.
Yeah for now, just throw an error and we can fix it. I think we’ll need a "membership email " and “discourse username” field in the DB. If your script can’t figure out the username, then email trustees@
PS: looks like it’s dead easy to grab the user id from the discourse session cookie