Have you been lurking on Discourse for a while? Have you been curious to come and check out the space in person?? Maybe you signed up for the waiting list and have just been waiting?
Did he really? I went the other day to his https://www.novelty-automation.com/ thingie… it’s so fun! He even opened up one of the machines! I told him I’d bring a bunch of you people the next “drinks thursday”… do you think there would be interest in that?
He spent an afternoon at SLMS drawing this for Dominic Morrow’s book about Maker/Hackspaces – I think the book project stalled…but we have this wonderful memento!
I tried about 1/3 of the machines… would be happy to go back to try a few more out… plus if we go en-masse, I suspect the nerditry will rise to high-heavens level! Who’s with me?