I’m trying something new with my vintage radios.
This time instead of just replacing the old radio output with a Bluetooth amp and using that as the source instead, I want to add a switch so I can switch between the old radio and a Bluetooth amp chip.
I’ve set up power through the switch. The first time I melted a set of batteries and this time when I attached the positive one of the chips on the Bluetooth board gets very hot when I turn the switch to that out put.
I’ve tried two of these boards to make sure it’s not the board that’s the problem. But both have the same problem. The same chip heats up.
At the moment I’m just switching the positive.
Negatives are both connected to negative terminal on battery. Maybe they are shorting there?
Maybe I need to get a triple switch that I can control the positive run, the negative run, and the audio.
Currently just doing double switch for positive and audio. Haven’t got as far as connecting audio to it yet.
Any ideas??
(in the pic there are two chips. only the left one is part of the circuit. the positive cable is diconnected. when i touch it to the dc+ on the board it rapidly heats up one of the little chips on the board)